Getting Let Go

Author: Weiting Bollu  |  March 2020  |  Original Post on LinkedIn

I thought I'd share something extremely personal that I didn't want to make public, until today.

I'm making this post to reach out to the thousands of peers who are being let go and who will experience it in the days ahead.

I'm not looking for anything. This isn't about me.


In January 2020, the company I was working at had a restructuring after reviewing 2019 financials. That meant that a group of us were let go.

1. You're always going to wonder about what you could have done differently. Truth is nothing, because so many things are out of our control.

2. I asked myself: "Would I waste the 86,400 seconds each day of my life thinking about what COULD have been?" The answer is simply, "NO" so I better get my 💩together.

3. I began to jot down all the things I could do instead. I then chose to: build personal products, learn to code, explore the world, have coffee dates, & volunteer for the suicide helplines.

It's okay to take a step back to breathe, cry until those boogers make it hard to breathe, or stare into space. Do it all!

After, remind yourself that you are 'damn good enough' & don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Focus on mental health - it's time to start the next chapter of your life. 💪

Now, what will you choose to spend your brain power on?